Sunday, October 11, 2009

Battle Tubes, Apartment Times, DreamCast Woes

Greetings. A lot has happened since last I wrote. Since I live a slow boring life, that means it's been a while. But all you need to do is look at the dates to see that.

------------STEP 1: BATTLE TUBE------------
A while back I wanted to make a document tube to carry my vinyl battle mat to and from tabletop sessions.

The tube was a labor of love. Constructed from 1/4" think, 3" wide PVC pipe painted dark blue with Rustoleum spray paint, and the pipe fittings put permanently into place using PVC cement. Here it is with the battle mat contained within it.

The screw on lid to the pipe, with a 4" threaded rod run through it with coupling hex nuts and acorn nuts attached to form a handle that won't be hard on my hand should I need the extra torque to open it. Acorn nuts are hot glued in place, and there are three nuts stabilizing the handle inside the lid.

And finally the binding posts, brackets taken from 2 door locks (there's another bracket at the bottom of the tube), quick links (again, this same setup is at the bottom of the tube), and the
carrying strap.

Originally I purchased the PVC and metal hardware and had the pieces primed and drilled by my girlfriend's dad. Then I made sure the metal bits fit, took 'em out, and painted the thing. My project was a rousing success.

------------STEP 2: APARTMENT------------
I moved into a new cheap apartment. It looks pretty good. I pay very little. Pictures coming eventually.

------------STEP 3: DREAMCAST------------
My DreamCast died while playing Worms World Party. I gutted it and want to do something with the case. I have a new DreamCast I purchased from Craigslist.

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