Saturday, November 22, 2008

Making Friends With Luck: Part 1

Part 1 - Understanding Luck*

*First a disclaimer. This very short series is based upon my own personal beliefs and philosophies and is therefore complete and utter bullshit. If you would like to believe what I believe, know what I believe, or are just interested in the things I might write, read on. Otherwise, disavow any knowledge of my activities.

As you may have guessed by the title I believe in personifications of abstract concepts. The three most important of which that influence your life are Fate, Luck, and Karma.

Karma is the most neutral party. It does not like or dislike (or at least won't act based on such things). It will simply reward and punish appropriately.

Fate is the second in terms of neutrality. Fate's efforts are long term to steer you toward some ultimate goal. Fate may or may not actually bother to influence you. Fate may also occasionally attempt to manipulate Luck's actions, or Karma's methods.

Finally we have Luck. Luck, by process of elimination, is the least neutral party. Luck's plans are generally short term and done for no real rhyme or reason, but you're probably better off if Luck favors you. This is the reason it is important to appease or make friends with Luck.

So how does one go about doing that? Part 2 - Appeasing Luck: Coming Soon.

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