Monday, December 1, 2008


So my roommate Tony hands me a Warhammer 40k book, "CIAPHAS CAIN: HERO OF THE IMPERIUM". The reason? We're involved in a "Dark Heresy" tabletop campaign (That's a tabletop RPG based on the 40k universe, kids). He says "Your character reminds me of this guy".

We've only had one session. During that session, while I wasn't sitting idly by doing nothing, I wasn't doing anything I considered exemplary or even out of the ordinary that might distinguish my character from the rest of the group or define my character but for one or two fairly minor exceptions.

Sometimes the little things can define a character quite a bit more than you'd expect.

The book itself is actually pretty good, or at least I'm amused by it. It provides what I'd call a dry humor.

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